AN IDOL IN MY LIFE: Javier Gómez Noya, five times World Champion in triathlon. November 24, 2016 Erasmus + Ferrol Interviews Javier Gómez Noya Sports Triathlon Triatlón Video What´s New on the News? +
Missing children: an unsolved major issue today. Diana Quer. November 21, 2016 Abductions Diana Quer Erasmus + IES de Catabois Missing children People What´s New on the News? +
INTA AND UAVS: New Technologies for the Future. Unmanned aircrafts. November 14, 2016 Aviation CIAR Drones Erasmus+ Ferrol Galicia IES de Catabois INAER INDRA INTA New Technologies in Galicia Rozas UAVs Unmanned aircarfts What´s New on the News? +
Freak Culture November 14, 2016 Cartoons CulturE Erasmus + Ferrol Freak culture Galicia IES de Catabois What´s New on the News? +
WHEN REALITY SURPASES FICTION. November 01, 2016 Cartoons Children CulturE Curiosities Disasters Erasmus + IES de Catabois Lilo & Stitch Terrorism What´s New on the News? +