Locals still eating radioactive food 30 years after Chernobyl: Greenpeace tests

In 1986, the accident occured at the 4th place of the nuclear power reactor in Chernobly city of Ukraine causing the toxic gas release in large quantities.

The accident killed 30 operators and fireman within three months and several further deaths later.It is estimated thousands more have died from cancers and other ilnesses in the ensuing years.The radiation levels still set off danger warning thirty one years after the explosion. According to the report prepared by Greenpeace, the danger is still going on.Russia, Ukraine, Belarus have stopped testing in many regions due to the economic crises, so people still continue to consume dangerous food containing radiation. It appears that the level of radiation in some areas, estimated to be around 5 million people, is increasing.
people live near the site of tge deastating Chernobyl explosion are still eating contaminated food,thirty years after the disaster.Residents in these affected areas are still coming into radiationin the food and drinks.'Thousands of children,even those born thirty years after Chernobyl still have to drink radioactively contaminate milk 'Greenpeace said. Long term exposure to radiation can lead to severe illnesses
