Turkish high school robotics team gets invitation from Stanford after developing device to rescue trapped pup

'Kuyu' ( the well- the dog's name) rescue project was an event that we all followed. The puppy, which fell into a 70 meter deep draw well in Istanbul has been saved by a rescuer team after 10 days.Bahçeşehir  Science and Technology  High School Robotic team members tried to rescue 'Kuyu' with a robotic arm they developed. The process that took up a great deal of space in social media and the visual media revealed the compassion within our society. Impressed by the work of the students ,Stanford University Computer Science Department's Robotics Laboratory Director; 'Oussama Khatib sent a letter to the team,inviting them to visit his lab on the campus in Northern California.
'Bahçeşehir School Science and Technology High School' Robotics team 'Integra' has once again reminded us that we should give more importance to informatics,technology and education in Turkey.The students have developed a robotic arm,they have conquered the hearts and minds.Integra has designed a robotic arm to contribute to rescue efforts and save the dog from the place where it fell.The robotic arm contributed to rescue efforts by entering the well where a person can not enter. 
